科學級相機和光譜儀制造商牛津儀器Andor Technology,正式發布全新iKon-XL大靶面CCD相機,iKon-XL相機采用的“ColdSpace”技術可以將背照式16.8M超大靶面,背照式CCD芯片(e2v)制冷到-100℃,無需液氮或者制冷機。iKon-XL可應用于系外行星搜尋,大尺度巡天,測光,天文光譜,空間碎片追蹤,是理想的天文觀測相機。
此次發布的這臺高靈敏度相機平臺使用來自e2v的兩款芯片:CCD231-84和CCD230-80, 具有高達95%的量子效率,NIR增強的深耗盡芯片,低至2e-的讀出噪聲,高達350Ke-滿井容量。-100℃制冷溫度保證了低于黃道光背景的極低暗電流,可以滿足對弱信號的長時間曝光拍攝。
牛津儀器Andor成像產品經理Colin Coates博士評價道:“iKon-XL是一款性能*,設計成熟的‘一站式服務’探測器,該款相機很少需要維護,使用壽命很長,將置于觀察站并通過遠程操控使用。即使在嚴苛的觀測環境下,也可以將此產品視作理想的“現成”解決方案。
iKon-XL 231
Andor’s NEW iKon-XL is a TE-cooled, very large area CCD camera platform, accommodating big field of view sensors that are ideally suited to long exposure astronomy applications. Patent-pending ColdSpace™ technology thermoelectrically cools a back-illuminated 16.8 Megapixel sensor (e2v) down to -100 °C, avoiding the requirement for liquid nitrogen or unreliable cryo coolers. Extended Dynamic Range technology is complemented by up to 18-bit digitization capability.
The iKon-XL 231 model uses the e2v CCD231-84 ‘astro’ back-illuminated sensor, combining exceptionally low read noise of 2.1 e- with a very large well depth of 350,000 e- and available with a range of sensor QE coatings, in both standard and deep depletion formats.
– 100 °C TE cooled large area sensors
NO liquid nitrogen, NO cryo-cooler
Extended Dynamic Range (18-bit)
e2v CCD231-84 sensor (deep depletion available)
iKon-XL 230
Andor’s NEW iKon-XL is a TE-cooled, very large area CCD camera platform, accommodating big field of view sensors that are ideally suited to long exposure astronomy applications. Patent-pending ColdSpace™ technology thermoelectrically cools a back-illuminated 16.8 Megapixel sensor (e2v) down to -100 °C, avoiding the requirement for liquid nitrogen or unreliable cryo coolers. The iKon-XL 230 model uses the e2v CCD230-84 back-illuminated sensor, offering a very large 61.4 x 61.4 mm imaging area from a 4096 x 4096 array format and 15 μm pixel size, ideal for applications such as Astronomy or X-ray/Neutron radiography.
– 100 °C TE cooled large area sensors
NO liquid nitrogen, NO cryo-cooler
Extended Dynamic Range (18-bit)
e2v CCD230-84 sensor