


Axiom™ 鮭魚基因分型芯片

  • 公司名稱賽默飛世爾科技(中國)有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號Applied Bi
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  • 更新時間2023/5/11 14:39:19
  • 訪問次數120

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賽默飛世爾科技賦能科技進步的 我們的使命是幫助客戶使世界更健康、更清潔、更安全。我們幫助客戶加速生命科學領域的研究、解決在分析領域所遇到的復雜問題與挑戰、促進醫療診斷和治療的發展、提高實驗室生產力。
Axiom™ 鮭魚基因分型芯片
Axiom™ 鮭魚基因分型芯片 產品信息
Axiom Salmon Genotyping Array for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was designed under the Affymetrix Expert Design Program in collaboration with The Roslin Institute (University of Edinburgh), Edinburgh Genomics, Landcatch Natural Selection Ltd., University of Stirling, and University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom.*

The array interrogates more than 130,000 polymorphic variants that were discovered through three different sequencing methodologies. Axiom Salmon Genotyping Array provides extensive information on polymorphisms across the salmon genome.

The high marker density on Axiom Salmon Genotyping Array ensures a broad coverage of the salmon genome and avoids underrepresentation of important regions of the salmon genome. This is a significant improvement over existing Atlantic salmon genotyping tools.

Features of Axiom Salmon Genotyping Array:
Diverse content – More than 130,000 SNPs evenly spaced across the genome with preference given to transcribed regions. The array includes 4,714 markers from public sources and 87 Y chromosome-specific probes for accurate gender determination.
Multiple breeds represented – Farmed Scottish and Norwegian and wild Scottish, Irish, Norwegian, and Spanish populations

Applications of Axiom Salmon Genotyping Array:
Complex trait research
   - GWAS
   - Fine mapping of QTL affecting economically important traits in salmonids
Molecular breeding
   - Association mapping and genomic selection
   - Improved accuracy in aquaculture breeding programs
   - Gender determination via Y chromosome-specific probes
Population and evolutionary genetics
   - Distinguish between fish of different origins
   - Differentiate farmed and wild populations

*Expert Design Arrays are designed by key opinion leaders in the plant and animal genomics community and made available to the public for the purpose of advancing research and breeding programs. These arrays contain genetic markers and annotations that are provided by the original customer who designed the array and are therefore not updated by Affymetrix in the same manner as other catalog products. Through the program, Affymetrix continually provides agrigenomics researchers access to genotyping arrays that have been utilized by their peers in the research community.

Required Products
Axiom Analysis Suite
GeneChip Command Console Software
GeneTitan Multi-Channel Instrument
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.





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