本設備根據汽摩部件及機械零部件行業持點專門設計,主要用于零部件清洗 處理, 網帶輸送能滿足零部件清洗要求, 循環過濾系統使清洗液經常保持清 潔狀態,確保工件不被二次污染。
According to the characteristics of cars and motorcycles parts and components. This system is specially desgined and mainly used in cleaning the parts and components. Conveyer belt can meet with cleaning requirements of the parts and components. The circulating filtering system can keep cleaning, cleaning liquid in a cleaning condition to prevent workpiece from secondary pollution.
主要適用于汽摩配件、 鐵路機車、 航空產品及機械零部件等產品清洗.
Parts and components of cars and motorcycles, locmotive, aerial products and components of machinery, etc.